Friday, December 18

Finally, a respite

My, my, it's been a wild semester. Between two jobs and a plethora of private tutoring, I've been mucho busy. Since graduation in May, I've been running on all thousand cylinders.

Today marks the beginning of what I hope is a relaxing vacation. My plan: read, cook, nap. In no particular order.

What will I read? A huge stack of books that has been waiting to be tackled since summer...
What will I cook? Of course, my Japanese staples, but I've been amassing new and healthy recipes to try out...
Where will I nap? Anywhere that my kitty cat deems best. Probably the couch with a cozy fleece blanket and book to accompany us.

First up in vacationland: Avatar
Have tickets to see a 9 a.m. 3-D IMAX showing for this Sunday. A review will follow; let's just say I'm not excited to see a flick which the South Park gang nicknamed: "Dances With Smurfs."

But, as per my summer movie viewing habit, Avatar DOES fall into the category of blockbuster, which you all know I'm a total sucker for. Can James Cameron break my preconceived notions that this movie will be a waste of time?

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