Monday, August 31

Daft Punk is *not* Playing at my House...

Daft Punk Soundtrack.
Tron Legacy (scheduled for 2010).
IMAX in 3-D.
Really, it won't get much better than this.

I have "furloughed" my pressing teacher homework for this post. I about peed myself when Mark told me about all of the above. I've had a long love affair with all things Daft Punk.

I've always enjoyed electronic music (Depeche Mode & Soft Cell in my early teens...not just "Tainted Love," either!)...and Daft Punk is THE quintessential group from the past decade for this type of music.

I dare you to listen to ANY of their albums and not shake your booty.
I dare you.

Plus, they're ROBOTS!
It doesn't get any cooler.

1 comment:

Kashmirkat said...

I've never been into Techno really, but love Depeche Mode - Somebody was our wedding song :)