Friday, May 15

Adios 薫

I have finally felt the sting of the one being left behind. Many of my international friends who have decided to make America their home always talk about the sadness they feel when one of their comrades decides to return to their native country. 薫, who I met while working at AEON in Japan, left yesterday to start rebuilding her life in Yokohama and Tokyo.

The funny thing is, we didn't even live in the same state during her three years of law school study. But, we were in the same timezone and enjoyed weekly bitching sessions over the phone about the rigors of school, love, and life in general.

Although she'll be back in July to stay with Mark & I when she must take the California Bar Exam (even though she studied in Oregon), I still feel a great twinge of sadness that one of my best buds is once again separated from me by the Pacific Ocean.

薫, like the kanji for her name, is beautiful and complicated. We instantly struck up a friendship while working together after we discovered that we're both extremely neurotic and share similar musical tastes.

I wish her luck back home and I can't wait for July! 頑張ってね。


Unknown said...

Awww, thanks girl, for dedicating yesterday's blog for me. I got home safe and sound. I'll miss being on the same soil and time zone with you, too. I am so proud of both of us for finishing this rigorous graduate studies! You, especially totally kicked ass! Enjoy a little time off, girl. You deserve it! I am going to go have ramen for lunch today!! You can tell me that you had Mexican, in return!! I already miss you, and cannot wait to see you in July!

Cindy said...

Hmmm, I might have to go have Mexican tonight. ラーメン食べたいよ。